NYSCAA Home Winter/Spring 2004 Newsletter


Interested in sharing information on your achievements, new job, children, marriage, hobbies, publications, or anything else? Just fill out the Bio Update Form or email us at and we'll make sure they get posted!

Dr Peter A Ruprecht -- Idaho 1988; Staph 1990

  • Preferred Name:

  • Web:

  • Home:
    [Yahoo! People Search]

  • Work:
    Research Associate
    JILA, Room S-220
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    440 UCB
    Boulder, CO 80309-0440
    Phone: (303) 492-8255
    Fax: (303) 492-5235

  • Education:
    • BA Physics, Lawrence University, 1992
    • PhD Physics, Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University

  • Occupation:
    I support scientific computing at JILA, a research institute operated by the University of Colorado at Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. My responsibilities include UNIX system administration for servers, clusters, workstations, and X-terminals, as well as support for numerical mathematics.

  • Submitted: 04/21/2003 Bio Update Form; 8/17/2004 Email

Disclaimer: Newsbytes are from alumni who have given their approval to publish their bio notes and/or contact information on our Web site; or informed us via email, phone, or in person to publish the info. Any other information provided has been previously released or found on a publicly available Internet site.