NYSCAA Home NYSCAA 2010 Elections

2010 Election Ballot

To vote, you have two options:

  1. Submit your votes via the online ballot below.
  2. Print this page, fill out the form, and snail mail your ballot to:
    NYSC Alumni Association
    PO Box 2811
    Charleston, WV 25330-2811

All votes must be received by 11 PM EDT on Wednesday, September 1, 2010.

Note: Voting is now over.

Voter Information
Voter's Full Name
(e.g., John E Smith Jr)
-- Voter's Full Name is required.
Camp Last Name
(or maiden name)

-- Camp Last Name (or maiden name) is required.
-- Affiliation is required.
Delegate State
(or Country) and Year

(e.g., Hawaii 1982, Germany 2001)
Staph Year(s)
-- Email address is required.
-- Enter a valid email address.

-- Phone is required.
-- Phone Type is required.

If you have any privacy concerns regarding your personal information, please contact us at .


President-Elect — vote for not more than one (1)

Marjorie Foelker Varner (TX 79)
President-Elect Write-In Candidate
(enter alumni name, affiliation and year)
-- President-Elect is required.

Secretary — vote for not more than one (1)

Marc Sanchez (NM 2002)
Emily Holmes (IN 1993, Staph 1995-1996)
Secretary Write-In Candidate
(enter alumni name, affiliation and year)
-- Secretary is required.

Treasurer — vote for not more than one (1)

Pam Dekle Twigg (AL 1978)
Treasurer Write-In Candidate
(enter alumni name, affiliation and year)
-- Treasurer is required.

Board of Advisors (BOA) — vote for not more than two (2)

Paul Frye (WV 1969)
John Giroir (LA 1989, Staph 1990-1995)
BOA Write-In Candidate
(enter alumni name, affiliation and year)
-- At least one Board of Advisor choice is required.
-- Only a maximum of 2 Board of Advisors can be selected.

Feel free to send us your ideas, thoughts, and comments!